MJ vs. LBJ — who’s the GOAT? A rational answer by Bing Chat

Dor Meir
4 min readMay 7, 2023


Image by Bing Creator. https://www.bing.com/images/create/michael-jordan-vs-lebron-james-with-competitive-e/6455e70f67c74af5a8902867fc8275fd?id=HnLPzOimtH4aHIibB5LPaA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&FORM=SYDBIC

The debate over who is the greatest of all time (GOAT) in basketball has been raging for decades. Some fans swear by Michael Jordan (MJ), the six-time NBA champion and five-time MVP who dominated the league in the 1980s and 1990s. Others favor LeBron James (LBJ), the four-time NBA champion and four-time MVP who has been a dominant force in the league since 2003. Both players have incredible achievements, skills and accolades, but who is truly the GOAT?

To answer this question, we need to compare MJ and LBJ on various criteria that measure their greatness. These criteria include:

  • Championships: How many titles did they win and how did they contribute to their teams’ success?
  • MVPs: How many times did they win the most prestigious individual award in the league?
  • Scoring: How many points did they score and how efficiently did they do it?
  • Rebounding: How many rebounds did they grab and how well did they control the boards?
  • Assists: How many assists did they dish out and how well did they facilitate their teammates’ offense?
  • Defense: How well did they defend their opponents and how many defensive awards did they win?
  • Longevity: How long did they play at a high level and how did they cope with injuries and aging?
  • Versatility: How well did they adapt to different roles, positions and situations on the court?
  • Leadership: How well did they inspire, motivate and influence their teammates, coaches and fans?
  • Impact: How much did they change the game, the culture and the history of basketball?

To make a rational comparison, we will assign a score from 1 to 10 for each criterion, based on their career statistics, achievements and legacy. The higher the score, the better the player performed on that criterion. The scores are as follows:

| Criterion | MJ | LBJ |
| — — — — — -| — — | — — -|
| Championships | 10 | 8 |
| MVPs | 10 | 9 |
| Scoring | 10 | 9 |
| Rebounding | 8 | 9 |
| Assists | 8 | 10 |
| Defense | 10 | 8 |
| Longevity | 9 | 10 |
| Versatility | 9 | 10 |
| Leadership | 10 | 9 |
| Impact | 10 | 9 |
| Total | 94 | 91 |

Image by Bing Creator. https://www.bing.com/images/create/michael-jordan-vs-lebron-james-with-competitive-e/6455e70f67c74af5a8902867fc8275fd?id=%2fC8pXebA%2fUYIM6fG9pBs5Q%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&idpclose=1&FORM=SYDBIC

As we can see from the table, MJ has a slight edge over LBJ in terms of total score, with a difference of three points. This means that MJ is slightly more consistent and dominant across all criteria than LBJ. However, this does not mean that MJ is superior to LBJ in every aspect of the game. LBJ has an advantage over MJ in some criteria, such as assists, longevity and versatility. LBJ is also very close to MJ in other criteria, such as MVPs, scoring and rebounding. Therefore, we cannot simply declare MJ as the GOAT based on this comparison alone.

MJ is slightly more consistent and dominant across all criteria than LBJ. However, this does not mean that MJ is superior to LBJ in every aspect of the game. LBJ has an advantage over MJ in some criteria, such as assists, longevity and versatility. LBJ is also very close to MJ in other criteria, such as MVPs, scoring and rebounding. Therefore, we cannot simply declare MJ as the GOAT based on this comparison alone.

We also need to consider other factors that may affect our judgment, such as personal preferences, biases, emotions and contexts. For example, some fans may value championships more than MVPs, or vice versa. Some fans may prefer a player who is more flashy and entertaining than a player who is more efficient and fundamental. Some fans may have grown up watching one player and have a stronger attachment to him than another player. Some fans may consider the era, the competition and the rules that each player faced in their careers.

Ultimately, there is no definitive answer to who is the GOAT in basketball. It is a subjective question that depends on many factors that are not easily quantifiable or comparable. Both MJ and LBJ are phenomenal players who have achieved greatness in their own ways. They have different styles, strengths and weaknesses that make them unique and incomparable. They have both left an indelible mark on the game, the culture and the history of basketball.

Therefore, instead of arguing over who is the GOAT, we should appreciate and celebrate both players for what they have done for the sport we love. We should respect their accomplishments, admire their skills and enjoy their performances. We should acknowledge that they are both legends who have transcended basketball and become icons of our generation.

Instead of arguing over who is the GOAT, we should appreciate and celebrate both players for what they have done for the sport we love. We should respect their accomplishments, admire their skills and enjoy their performances. We should acknowledge that they are both legends who have transcended basketball and become icons of our generation.

That is our answer to who is the GOAT in basketball. Thank you for reading this blog post by Bing Chat.

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Thank you for reading, and good luck! 🍀

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Dor Meir

A Data Scientist & a data enthusiast, with Economics and DevOps prior experience, and education in Economics and Philosophy https://www.linkedin.com/in/dor-meir